Sunday, March 7, 2010

[Fubuki] Sora no Woto 01-09

The other members of Illusion Subs may be gone, but that doesn't mean that the name has to go too. I'm sure everyone feels the same way, but while watching anime, I've noticed that sometimes it doesn't matter how long a group works on an episode (whether it be less than a day or a full week and then some), there's always bound to be mistakes. I've decided to come back to fansubbing to provide corrections for these errors, but as anyone can guess, I'll only be doing this for series (and groups) that I'm actually watching. In other words, I'm not taking any requests.

Some of the common errors that I ran across while watching Fubuki's version of Sora no Woto were the use of the word "due" to mean "because", and the placement of a comma after such words as "but" (an error that even I used to make often). Other corrections made include changes in word choice, the removal of other commas that I felt were unnecessary, an attempt to keep some sense of consistency (e.g. using Yumina-oneechan instead of Yumina onee-chan) and changing the spelling of characters' names to fit the spellings shown in later episodes (i.e. changing Felicia to Filicia in the early episodes and Iria to Iliya in episode 6).


Apologies to anyone who had trouble with the website links on Nyaatorrents and TokyoTosho. I haven't used them before, so I will correct that next time.

1 comment:

  1. This is quite the pleasant surprise. I've seen people fix other groups' subs before, but I never imagined we'd get the honor of having it done to us this time.

    Since you seem to be interested in our releases enough to make corrections, would you mind teaming up with us for the remaining episodes and any other project you might be interested in (either past, present or future)? You could help us make any last-minute corrections in the final scripts to make sure everything is good and consistent.

    Contact me at for details if you're interested.

    - Mike, aka Agent Orange, Fubuki Subs editor/QCer
